Friday, April 23, 2010

That gets your neighbor

Cologne - German gave approximately € 76 billion total for 2006 from Christmas shopping. And this year there are on average 246 € per person for Christmas to be (2006 figure was 203 €).
Reason: "Wages have risen, so that the Christmas bonus," said Hagen Lesch fare expert. Between 1000 and 2000 euros Christmas bonus is paid in larger company in 2007, the Institute of the German economy. The officers received: For the NRW officers, there is a tiered Christmas bonus: 30% in the highest pay grade, 45% in the medium, 60% in the lower levels.
The politicians get: The members of the Federal and the NRW state parliament come up empty. The Chancellor and her ministers losing their special payment in 2010 - after 7692 euros per minister per year. NRW Minister Rüttgers gets approximately 4000 euros and the provincial ministers about 3700 euros.
And what is bought? 2006, there were many long-lasting items so IW expert Lesch - to the rise in VAT to avoid. 2007 again are electronics and toys in front, but also gift certificates.
A detailed overview of over 70 regional companies and industries, there's the Sunday Express.