Sunday, April 11, 2010

How strange the Cologne-run election

Cologne - The municipal election is crazy. Astray curious. Here are some examples.
Choose not only in Cologne. But every EU citizen who is at least 16 years old and at least 16 days before the election here has a flat. A 16-year-old Bulgarian allowed, a Turk, not - even though he has lived here 16 years.
If the EU citizen several apartments around the world, then decides the main dwelling. Who ever has no property, you must prove that he is here, "ordinarily resident".
On 30 August is also chosen a successor of Mayor Fritz Schramma. Whoever wins must wait nearly two months. Schrammas term of office expires on 20 October, the new OB does so at the earliest on 21 October, the command. Among the OB-seekers, there is only a single citizen with Olaf candidates without a party in the neck. Citizen is programmatically not yet apparent. Except with "more money for citizens" and "climate change now!"
OB is formally expected of a program, but the following: It must be EU citizens, may have residence somewhere in Germany, must be at least 23 years old and "provide assurance that any hours for the free democratic basic order" occurs. The latter is not required by Ratspolitikern, but they need to live in Cologne.
The city still desperately looking for poll workers. This leads to such an extent that former campaign workers were addressed with the request to place the entire polling place team from the circle of friends even on its feet. They know each other, one helps oneself. And then it rained clique-accusations.
Learn about how sports are the candidate OB> OB Candidates: Who wants what "for Cologne> OB candidate Sterck - flaps away