Thursday, April 29, 2010

HSV-Jol: "We want the best"

Cologne - The Hamburg interested in Lukas Podolski. Yesterday, it was not only in the HSV fans the topic of conversation.
In EXPRESS tags Poldi had said previously: "I know of the interest of several clubs from Germany and abroad. And I have the interest of the HSV and one of Marseille. "
States: A change of 1 FC Cologne has not yet been decided, Podolski has several options - and says so publicly.
When HSV is denied Podolski's name not want to. Addressed directly to Poldi, said HSV coach Martin Jol on Monday a bit cryptic, but not hostile.
"We want a top with HSV culture and sports for our fans only the best. We want to constantly improve ourselves. Behind the curtain will work hard with us. "
When HSV is expected by the summer with the departure of striker Ivica Olic. And needed replacement: Poldi would be a candidate.
In addition to the HSV, the 60-fold by national Marseille, Tottenham, Manchester City and Dortmund is being courted. Hopes must make all yet - it still has nowhere Poldi signed.
More Poldi Topic: HSV and Marseille Podolski get into poker a "lunatic proposal by Harald Schmidt> BVB coach Klopp: Poldi is priceless> Hoeness:" Cologne Podolski offer unspeakably "> thumb:" The FC is only a secondary "> Meier is back Poldi! > Loew: Poldi, stay in Germany>

Friday, April 23, 2010

That gets your neighbor

Cologne - German gave approximately € 76 billion total for 2006 from Christmas shopping. And this year there are on average 246 € per person for Christmas to be (2006 figure was 203 €).
Reason: "Wages have risen, so that the Christmas bonus," said Hagen Lesch fare expert. Between 1000 and 2000 euros Christmas bonus is paid in larger company in 2007, the Institute of the German economy. The officers received: For the NRW officers, there is a tiered Christmas bonus: 30% in the highest pay grade, 45% in the medium, 60% in the lower levels.
The politicians get: The members of the Federal and the NRW state parliament come up empty. The Chancellor and her ministers losing their special payment in 2010 - after 7692 euros per minister per year. NRW Minister Rüttgers gets approximately 4000 euros and the provincial ministers about 3700 euros.
And what is bought? 2006, there were many long-lasting items so IW expert Lesch - to the rise in VAT to avoid. 2007 again are electronics and toys in front, but also gift certificates.
A detailed overview of over 70 regional companies and industries, there's the Sunday Express.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

"Clash of emotions"

    Photo: close-up cover "clash of emotions" / DVADarum Here's how: What are the triggers and underlying causes for the conflicts that concern the human being? This book gives a different answer than the much-quoted book "Clash of Civilizations" by Samuel Huntington: For Dominique Moïsi renowned political scientists are less religious and cultural differences which divide the world - but feelings. In the "clash of emotions", he sketched a map of the conflicting feelings: While in countries like India and China encouraged a sense of hope millions of people, is the West in the sense of fear frozen - also against attacks and threats, the Arab-Islamic world, on themselves a sense of humiliation finds. These emotions are colliding with globalization in full force and influence world politics more than to believe some crafty statesmen.
In his book Moïsi describe those feelings and causes. At the end Moïsi projects two scenarios, including the struggle of emotions could lead in the near future and points to possible solutions.
That's it: The "clash of emotions" is understandable and clearly written, despite the difficult subject matter - and makes its name: When reading the book the reader generates both fear and hope. Dominique Moïsi presented his theses on the basis of current examples dar. Who wants to be understood as making the strange ways of thinking and feelings of millions of fanatical followers - and why we react helplessly in the West, fearful that, should Moïsis read book.
To resolve the differences, it needed versatility, confidence and optimism in all cultures, so Moïsi. That this happens one day, one can hope after reading this book worth reading but only ...
Infos zum Buch
German publishing house, 240 pages, 19.95 euros, ISBN: 3421043329

Sunday, April 11, 2010

How strange the Cologne-run election

Cologne - The municipal election is crazy. Astray curious. Here are some examples.
Choose not only in Cologne. But every EU citizen who is at least 16 years old and at least 16 days before the election here has a flat. A 16-year-old Bulgarian allowed, a Turk, not - even though he has lived here 16 years.
If the EU citizen several apartments around the world, then decides the main dwelling. Who ever has no property, you must prove that he is here, "ordinarily resident".
On 30 August is also chosen a successor of Mayor Fritz Schramma. Whoever wins must wait nearly two months. Schrammas term of office expires on 20 October, the new OB does so at the earliest on 21 October, the command. Among the OB-seekers, there is only a single citizen with Olaf candidates without a party in the neck. Citizen is programmatically not yet apparent. Except with "more money for citizens" and "climate change now!"
OB is formally expected of a program, but the following: It must be EU citizens, may have residence somewhere in Germany, must be at least 23 years old and "provide assurance that any hours for the free democratic basic order" occurs. The latter is not required by Ratspolitikern, but they need to live in Cologne.
The city still desperately looking for poll workers. This leads to such an extent that former campaign workers were addressed with the request to place the entire polling place team from the circle of friends even on its feet. They know each other, one helps oneself. And then it rained clique-accusations.
Learn about how sports are the candidate OB> OB Candidates: Who wants what "for Cologne> OB candidate Sterck - flaps away

Monday, April 5, 2010

World Cup silver medal for Kathi Wilhelm

Pyeongchang - Second medal for Kati Wilhelm. The Sprint Weltmeisterinholte at derBiathlon World Cup in Pyeongchang also Verfolgungsrenneneine medal. This time there was silver.
Wilhelm made six Fehleram shooting range. Helena Jonsson secured over the ten Kilometerden title after two misses. The Swede had einenVorsprung on Sunday from 18.3 seconds to Kati Wilhelm. Third was RussinOlga Zaitseva. Sixth was Martina Beck.
     Defending champion Andrea Henkel (Großbreitenbach) could not start .. Henkel had during dryland training with their rifles a bullet in the gun, which broke up when practicing the firing sequence and successful in the wall of the training airspace.
According to the rules of the International Biathlon Union (IBU) Henkel was subsequently disqualified from the race.