Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Gawkers in cars drove around two pedestrian

Bonn - Anthony B. (98) is seriously injured in hospital. All pray that he gets through. The aged Bonner recorded on the Fußgängerfurt, Welsch Nuns Street / Long Street, a car - because the driver for a short time before an accident happened on the opposite lane gaped ...
 12.15 Clock: A man (32) sprints through the pedestrian traffic lights. In red, then witnesses. A truck driver who drives out of town, it looks too late and covered with pedestrians. Seriously injured.
12.27 Clock: Police have started investigations on the spot. It traces back to take pictures. "This event," said police spokesman Frank Piontek, "devoted a motorist's attention."
The accident driver (also 32): He turns away from the Abbey to the right place Welsch Nonnenstraße comes after a few meters, on which twelve minutes earlier passed by accident. Instead of the street, he looks out there - and overlooks the two men who go at green on Fußgängerfurt. He covered both with his car ...
While a victim escapes (24) with slight injuries, suffered a femoral neck fracture as Anton. For older people, such as the 98-year-olds, a horror-diagnosis.